Thursday, January 3, 2008

"our time for change has come."

Obama wins Iowa! I'm ecstatic. He won with 38%, and Edwards/Clinton are battling for second. I love the fact that I received a dozen texts when Obama won. Nevertheless, Huckabee, the ignorant fuck won the GOP caucus in Iowa. The other pig, Ron Paul only got 10%, with Giuliani surprisingly only getting 4! February 5th ladies and gentlemen is the California caucus, so get your voting hats ready. Vote Barack! Educate yourselves before you go vote. Barack in 08!

politics are so sexy. i would say, they're an overwhelming turn-on.

i found out jake's a republican; so i'm over it. i take political allegiances very seriously in regards to who i choose to date in my life. i could never ever date a republican.

i have yet to sleep. watching obama win iowa is far more important. playing halo3 till the early hours of the morning was well worth it as well. paddling out at san onofre while the sunrise happened was breathtaking.

floating on cloud nine!

p.s. love life. this is my year for sure. chris mccaughan, thank you for your words. your music is the soundtrack to my year. i love you for this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jake is so bummed! I am bored when I'm not at your house. Let me move into your room.