Sunday, January 27, 2008

feb. 5 : cali primaries.

barack won s.c. almost 2:1. i was overjoyed to learn that he had won, especially since the southern vote was suspected of being very difficult for obama to obtain, considering he is black. not surprisingly, the younger people came out to vote and that made all the difference considering he dominated in that age range. however, the older vote definitely went to clinton. additionally, the little display that clinton/obama had in the debates probably did not help one bit. nonetheless, more individuals interviewed in the exit polls stated that they believed clinton was to blame for the debate.  Also, Obama just got the Kennedy endorsement. That is going to help a great deal in Massachusetts. Reminder: vote in your respective primaries/caucuses. Vote Barack :). 

for the past week, eric and i have gotten really ill. eventually i got cabin fever and had to go out and watch rambo with the guys. so good! i loved it and it's ridiculously high amount of violence. (un)fortunately we didn't get back till 5am. i also saw ps. i love you again and sobbed like a baby. there will be blood was super awesome too. daniel day lewis is the man. paul dano was excellent, surprisingly good considering his part in little miss sunshine didn't offer any insight into the brilliance that could be extracted from him. cloverfield almost gave me motion sickness and i was not impressed. fuck, im a complete movie whore. 

vote barack!

p.s. j&i got "shushed" at the movies for making fun of nicholas cage's terrible hair job during national treasure 2. movie though was fantastic!

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