Saturday, December 29, 2007

snow bronies.

so tahoe was amazing. having six of my friends drop in on my family vacation was pretty rad as well. having fresh powder the last two days we were there was awesome. aaron getting my family/friends/myself ten passes for the week was unquestionably the best thing of 2007. he even took the week off from teaching little spoiled bitches to board just to hang out and it reminded me of when we would take trips to go snowboard together. snowmobiling to random places to board was scary. hitting trees was no bueno but holy shit, i had a blast! i spent most of my time teaching jake to board. finally, i took him up on the gondola at squaw valley and said, "figure it out" and left. i know it was a heartless thing to do, but after 2 days of constant babysitting, i needed to enjoy the snow for myself. nevertheless, he made it down safely and that made me happy. aaron asked if i would take a job teaching kids, and i basically said fuck no, since the two days i spent teaching jake was so tiring. we built jumps again in the driveway. jumped off roofs into snowbanks and onto jumps. i attacked a staircase badly and i'm pretty sure my shin will have a permanent dent. i almost passed out from laughing so hard watching family guy with everyone ridiculously drunk, including the parents. my mom now thinks family guy is the best show ever. i also fell out of the jacuzzi laughing so hard when matt went to go make snow angels (obviously, he was drunk) and have ice burn up my thigh. even though everyone thought i was boring by not drinking, i had the best time ever watching everyone get ridiculous. basically, we went retarded for the week. before this week, i was pretty sure 2007 was the worst year ever, but somehow this ending makes up for a few minor occurrences.

i now can no longer feel my body, but i ate like a fatkid so life is grand. i also spent the week getting to know jake better, re-building my relationship with aaron, having fun with my family and friends, and making sure i pushed my fear of life to the limit. i still hate life, but not so much now.


p.s. by no means have i figured life out, but i am pretty sure i'm in a good spot with everything. got over things and finally opened my goddamn eyes to the obvious, which makes me a far happier person than i was weeks prior. oh-hate is going to be all gravy as long as i can make it to seattle, san francisco, new york, boulder, mammoth and tahoe a few times through the year.

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