Sunday, December 30, 2007

oh-hate is going to be good....

not advisable: crying on a date, even if it is during the saddest part of atonement.

prologue: i read the book
story: i still cried.
ending: i am so embarrassed.



Anonymous said...

Jake called me after to tell me, but don't worry, he still likes you, even if you are a big big baby! He also said you're an idiot for skipping out on the boat cruise because you have motion sickness tomorrow. Now, who are you going to kiss at midnight?

Anonymous said...

it's okay. like i said, go to "ps i love you" and cry a whole bunch there. i did. i'm crying right now thinking about it and the ending to the book version of "atonement." actually, no. i'm crying because i'm annoyed with being hacked. okay, i'm not really crying. i'm eating queso dip and chips. same difference. happy oh-hate to us.