Monday, December 17, 2007

nailed to the cross...

as is customary every sunday, my intensely religious family will go on their spiritual journeys towards personal awakenings within the organized confines of what we call presbyterianism. i, on the other hand, am the black sheep of the family. i find that religion is cult-like and the philosophies thrown at their followers antiquated. this view however, is not widely held within this home. every sunday i get the usual third degree of why i choose not to attend church. my usual answers are followed by the look of intense sadness within the faces of my questioners. regardless, i still remain true to the fact that church, in reality, any form of organized religion, even if it is something you adamantly believe in, is something that i will never stand behind. 

so, come every sunday, i spend my day surfing or enjoying the fruits of the earth. maybe that is my own way of spiritual cleansing. regardless i know that mother nature will not indoctrinate my beliefs into a organized set of staples that are fed to her followers. 

never a blind sheep. always aware.

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