Monday, March 10, 2008

speaking of bees....

let's talk about how gross it is to have a bee colony in the awning of our house. the bee-buster (their icon cleverly was a spoof of ghostbusters, but instead of a ghost, it was a bee placed within the iconic symbol) came to our house, cut a hole in our roof, sucked up their colony and killed approximately 20,000 bees. we have a graveyard of bees leading to our entryway. a rather unappetizing sight. honeycomb is not as cute as it is made out to be in movies. the expert bee killer pointed out how each comb was actually a home to a baby bee in the form of a larva. i was a few dry heaves from throwing up my lunch at this point. 

btw, i have no clue what would drive a person to be a bee killer. nonetheless, our personal expert came to our house in cholo shorts and a long sleeve shirt. put on a pair of gloves and some bee protection for his head. he bravely fought those bees only to be stung while leaving our home. i would have officially freaked like a little baby since i hate bees, and am allergic to their sting. regardless, he merely joked saying, now i have matching dumbo ears. idiot.

having a bee problem is not the bees-knees.

p.s. i leave for tour next thursday and will spend very little time at home in the next six months. that sort of saddens me.

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