Monday, June 23, 2008

awkward turtle...

is the name of the game and i'm winning gold.

so over it. i have been perpetually disappointed by way too many people as of late. 

way to be a scumbag.


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Will says I need to update, so here it is. Updated.

I leave tomorrow for another tour. Haven't packed. Don't really want to either. I have it down to a science so its cool.

Come visit me on warped. ill be hatin!

Off to islands for food! Fatkid for life

Friday, May 23, 2008

oh, herro.

home for a month! 

being sick is ritualistic. go on tour, come home with bronchitis. i love my life!

the where myth fades to legends tour was amazing. quality people for 2 straight months. the last day was highlighted with many many pranks, trouble with security/mcallen police, and getting hit in the face with a gatorade bottle from 30 feet away. it ruled. 

mexico: hello to halo3 in living colour. since the police chief or whatever got murdered, the policia is no more for the time being replaced by military dudes with machine rifles and tanks. so no bueno! nevertheless, we got denied 3 times before we decided to cancel mexico. august we will be returning for some spanish lovin, "putos" (the one word i learned)

regardless, i'm definitely happy to be on a break before another tour.


p.s. while i was away, i had to endure a dallas stars fan the entire time my ducks lost the series. it was heartbreaking. since its the pens vs. wings, i am going to root for the pens because i cannot handle the wings winning anything in life.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

no shit son!

shane just headbutted me in the face. sick as fuck, bro!

i smell.

p.s. visit me. tour is going great.

Monday, March 10, 2008

speaking of bees....

let's talk about how gross it is to have a bee colony in the awning of our house. the bee-buster (their icon cleverly was a spoof of ghostbusters, but instead of a ghost, it was a bee placed within the iconic symbol) came to our house, cut a hole in our roof, sucked up their colony and killed approximately 20,000 bees. we have a graveyard of bees leading to our entryway. a rather unappetizing sight. honeycomb is not as cute as it is made out to be in movies. the expert bee killer pointed out how each comb was actually a home to a baby bee in the form of a larva. i was a few dry heaves from throwing up my lunch at this point. 

btw, i have no clue what would drive a person to be a bee killer. nonetheless, our personal expert came to our house in cholo shorts and a long sleeve shirt. put on a pair of gloves and some bee protection for his head. he bravely fought those bees only to be stung while leaving our home. i would have officially freaked like a little baby since i hate bees, and am allergic to their sting. regardless, he merely joked saying, now i have matching dumbo ears. idiot.

having a bee problem is not the bees-knees.

p.s. i leave for tour next thursday and will spend very little time at home in the next six months. that sort of saddens me.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

busy as a bee...

 now that the ducks are at home, matt, j, eric & i have been going to every single game. routine : stop by natives, get takeout, pig out in the box, scream and shout, and eat again.


p.s. still staying posi in 08.  

Monday, February 4, 2008

broken promises...never again.

reminder: VOTE TOMORROW ladies and gentlemen! i can't remember being this excited to vote ever. I cannot wait! edit: yesterday i got in a debate with a ronpaul supporter. first and foremost, i despise ron paul and his revolution. i refuse to believe that man can bring any good to our political system, let alone impact me in any positive manner. nevertheless, the weird thing was that the woman was deaf and basically had to write out her argument to me. yes, i argued with a deaf woman about ron paul via pieces of paper. go barack!

on a completely different subject: march 21st is the first day of the spring headliner with the chariot, sky eats airplane, love hate hero, and blessed by a broken heart. the only positive is the excitement of hanging out with my guys for 6 weeks in a bus, hopefully doing coke/heroin eye-drops (a concoction that was created by shawn & i today), but more than likely playing on the xbox. 


p.s. matt bet i couldn't do this detox thing with i guess i'm detoxing for the next week. please forgive me for my unintentional crankiness brought on by hunger.